Industrial Automation: Enhancing Quality and Flexibility in Manufacturing

Discover how industrial automation boosts productivity, quality, and flexibility in manufacturing. For more information, use a quick search below.

Industrial automation refers to the use of control systems, such as computers or robots, and information technologies to manage various processes and machinery in an industry, replacing human intervention. It represents the next step beyond mechanization in the evolution of industrialization.

Increase Quality and Flexibility in Your Manufacturing Process

Initially, automation aimed to boost productivity (since automated systems can operate 24/7) and reduce labor costs (including wages and benefits). Today, the focus has shifted towards enhancing the quality and flexibility of the manufacturing process. For instance, in the automobile industry, manually installing pistons into engines had an error rate of 1-1.5%. Now, automated machinery performs this task with an error rate of just 0.00001%.

Advantages of Industrial Automation

Lower Operating Costs: Industrial automation eliminates costs associated with healthcare, paid leave, and holidays for human operators. Additionally, it doesn't require other employee benefits such as bonuses or pension coverage. While the initial investment is high, it saves significantly on monthly wages, leading to substantial cost savings. The maintenance costs for automated machinery are relatively low due to infrequent failures, and when they do occur, only computer and maintenance engineers are needed for repairs.

High Productivity: Many companies employ hundreds of production workers in multiple shifts to maximize operating hours, but still need to close for maintenance and holidays. Industrial automation allows continuous operation—24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year—substantially boosting productivity.

High Quality: Automation reduces human error and eliminates fatigue, ensuring consistent product quality across different production times.

High Flexibility: Adding new tasks to the assembly line with human operators requires extensive training, whereas robots can be quickly programmed for new tasks, enhancing the manufacturing process's flexibility.

High Information Accuracy: Automated data collection improves production information accuracy and reduces data collection costs, providing valuable insights to optimize processes and reduce waste.

High Safety: Deploying robots in hazardous conditions can make production lines safer for employees.

Disadvantages of Industrial Automation

High Initial Cost: Transitioning from a human-operated production line to an automated one involves significant initial investment. Additionally, substantial costs are incurred in training employees to handle sophisticated new equipment.

Industrial automation is gaining increasing acceptance across various industries due to its significant benefits, including enhanced productivity, quality, and safety, all at reduced costs.